The AI Content Detector for Modern Content Teams
Our AI detector takes your content and verifies its authenticity with advanced machine learning
Simple and Credible AI Detection
Millions of users trust our AI detector to verify their content
Highlighted Sentences
Every sentence written by AI is highlighted, with a gauge showing the percentage of AI inside the text
Multiple Features
Enjoy our Top-notch Plagiarism Checker, Paraphraser, Summarizer, Grammar checker, and more
High Accuracy Model
Advanced and premium model, trained on all languages to provide highly accurate results
More clarity, less confusion
Paraphrasing and grammar checking tools are ethical uses of AI writing technology. They help millions of non-native English speakers and writers refine their text and express their ideas fluently.
But most AI detectors can't tell the difference between text that's been created with generative AI tools—such as ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and others—and text that's been refined using assistive tools. This leads to false positives and cultural bias.
So we built a better AI detector.
Recent advancements in quantum computing have sparked interest across scientific and technological communities. Quantum computers utilize quantum bits, or qubits.
An AI detector that's perfect for any project
Work projects
The last thing you want is to turn something in to your boss that wasn't created by you. Use our AI Detector to update your projects with your original work.
Blog posts
Make sure your content reaches its audience. Algorithms will penalize your text if it contains too much AI. Originality sets you apart, grows your following, and builds trust.
Research papers
Important papers you write for school or work should let your original writing shine. With our AI Detector, you can feel confident that the text you turn in meets your institution's requirements.
Your questions, answered
Everything you need to know about our AI detection tool